Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania-Supporters

Κυριακή 10 Μαρτίου 2013

Overview 1991-2012 Orthodox Church of Albania


Overview 1991-2012
     In 1991 with the restoration of the freedom, after a  hard and long persecution (1945-1991), and with the arrival of the Archbishop Anastas Yannoulatos, the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania directed and organized by him, has been revival again.
      Facing all the miscellaneous problems, time to time, it remounted from the ruins. By the Grace of God and by the generous donations of to many people it developed and is progressing rapidly with a universal and uninterrupted growth. Living with the difficulties, the troubles and the pains of the people, it tries contributing in the social and spiritual revitalization of the country.

Re-establishing the Religious Life of the Church
The preparation of the new clergy and ecclesiastical education

     Besides the old clergy that were alive (1991 only 22 priests, today only 2 priests) was also prepared a new generation of clergy. The Church has prepared a new generation of clergy. Today there are 146 clergy members, all of whom are Albanian citizens serving the Church. All of these clergymen have graduated from the Resurrection of Christ Theological Academy. This Academy is also preparing new members for catechism and for other services in different Church’s activities. Meanwhile students are continuing their theological educations in well-known theological universities abroad.
     Seeing the need of the young generation’s ecclesiastical education, Archbishop Anastasios enabled opening of two high schools for boys. In September 1998 opened in Gjirokastra the Ecclesiastical High School “Holy Cross”, situated in a complex of buildings with contemporary conditions and a dormitory; and In September 2007 opened also in Sukth of Durrës the second Ecclesiastical High School “Holy Cross” situated in a picturesque and suitable building with contemporary conditions and a dormitory.



Heath Care


Social and Relief Efforts  

Cultural Contributions

Care for the Environment
       In March, 2001, a program began for the protection of the environment and preparing new staff to carry out the program. This program has been held and includes the training of 15 post-graduate Albania students (all of whom had completed degrees in either biology or forest and environmental engineering) at the Professional Training Institute. The purpose of the program is to execute various projects for the protection of the eco-system, of several areas, as well as for solid waste managing.
Ecumenical Involvement
       Our Church actively participates as equals in the events of the Orthodox Church worldwide.
 It is a member of the Conference of the European Churches (of which the Archbishop Anastasios has served as vice-president since December 2003), the World Council of the Churches (of which Archbishop Anastasios was chosen as one of eight presidents in 2006), and largest inter-faith organization in the world, "Religions for Peace" (of which His Beatitude Anastasios was chosen as Honorary President in 2006), is also active in various ecumenical conferences and programs.
       The Church also contributes to the efforts for peace-full collaboration, and solidarity in our region and beyond.

Σάββατο 9 Μαρτίου 2013

The Cross in the Fikas Village of Elbasan is damaged

As the Orthodox Clergy and believers of Elbasan we are following with much concern and are shocked by the ongoing pressure that is being exercised on our Orthodox community, and we cannot remain silent in the face of this situation, which is continuing to deteriorate. After the damage to the Onufri frescoes in the Church of St. Premte, in Valsh of Elbasan a month ago, which has remained unsolved until now, another attack has been made on an Orthodox symbol, the Cross in the Fikas village of the Elbasan. More specifically, on February 12, 2013, residents of the area, as well as casual passersby found the Cross intentional damaged. It stands in a holy place where a church had once stood. Facing these attacks and barbaric acts we feel increasingly threatened and hurt, in our feelings and our faith. Symbols and religious objects, as an expression of religious freedom and mutual respect, must have the respect and protection of everyone, without distinction. Religious harmony is expressed precisely in these values and we, as the people of this country, have known very well to protect these values, and must strive constantly not to allow them to be affected in the future. Finally, we ask the law enforcement and state agencies to show attention and efficacy in the detection and prevention of such acts, halting the evil destructive hands and minds. Orthodox Clergy and believers of Elbasan February 13, 2013


Për çdo student të degës "Teknik i lartë laboratorësh mjekësorë" është e rëndësishme zbatimi i njohurive teorike ne praktikat në laborator.Duke shfrytëzuar 2 laboratorët e paisur me aparatet dhe mjetet e nevojshme , studentët mësojnë të kryejnë analiza dhe procese te tjera pune të cilat kryhen realisht nepër laboratorët mjekësorë si :analiza gjaku , analiza urine , analiza mikrobiologjike , bakterologjike etj Gjithashtu studentet aftesohen edhe ne zbatimin e rregullave teknike në laborator , sterilizimin e aparateve dhe paisjeve etj.

Nje nga elementet e rendesishme të programit mësimor të degës së Informatikës është edhe aplikimi në praktikë i njohurive të marra gjatë leksioneve dhe seminareve në lëndë të ndryshme.Sipas programit mësimor gjatë vitit të dytë studentët praktikohen veç të tjerave edhe ne fushën e hardware ku aftësohen në instalimet , konfigurimet e komponentëve , njohjen me situata të ndryshme problemesh dhe zgjidhjen e tyre etj , kjo e mbështetur edhe në njohuritë paraprake teorike të marra gjatë leksioneve.Për këtë janë vënë në dispozicion të studentëve një numër kompjuterash , device-sh dhe paisjesh te tjera ndihmëse të domosdoshme për këto orë praktike.

Për një përvetësim sa më të mirë të njohurive është e rëndësishme për studentët frekuentimi sa më i plotë i orëve të leksioneve dhe seminareve.Veç kësaj stafi akademik është i përkushtuar për një mësimdhënie cilësore dhe në përputhje me praktikat e reja bashkëkohore.